National Dog Day: The reason Your Dog Loves Licking You

Saturday, August 26th is National Dog Day. It is the only holiday in the world that celebrates all dogs: mixes and purebreds, tiny and large, old and newborn. You can take this occasion to understand more about your dog, especially his lick.

Dogs obviously cannot verbalize how they are feeling to us beyond perhaps a bit of whining or barking, and that’s pretty non-specific and really difficult to interpret. If you have a dog that licks a lot, you might be left wondering why. 

There are situations where/what your dog is licking can give you a clue that something localized and specific is bothering him. If he is licking between his toes, for instance, it would be logical to check that area to see if there is a burr, a splinter or a sore that he is worrying.

But, what does it mean if you don’t see any logical reason for your dog to be licking and/or he is persistently licking – either himself or inanimate objects floors, carpets, toys or seemingly nothing at all? Let’s read to find more reasons.

  • Licking can play a role in the solicitation of resources, as when pups lick their mothers as a precursor to feeding or when lower-ranking pack members lick their superiors in the hopes of an invitation to dine on communal prey.
  • It’s just another sensory tool, say some researchers. Licking (and tasting) is like reaching out and touching something –– a sort of slobbery exploration.
  • Canine attention-seeking behavior often incorporates the tongue. Dogs often lick you to get your attention or as a simple greeting. As in, “Hey, I’m here. I’m cute. Pet me.”
  • Licking may be a way of playing. Many dogs who’s owners report as engaging in excessive licking behavior may be substituting their tongue for their teeth in the reserved dog’s version of a raucous play-fight.
  • In many cases, licking is a learned behavior. Dogs learn that when they lick their owners they get more attention, so they come to incorporate licking into more and more of their daily behaviors.
  • It proves that you taste good

>> National Dog Day 2018: 5 Dog’s Gestures Show The Dog Loves You

Yep, they’re called doggy kisses for a reason. To show affection is one of the top reasons why dogs lick their people. Touching their tongue to your skin releases feel-good hormones, and they can’t help but feel all fuzzy inside.

It’s like when you hug and kiss someone you love; the intimate interaction signals a chemical response to go along with the emotional one you’re already feeling. So go ahead and feel good about yourself. If your dog’s licking you, it may be their way of saying, “I love you.”
  • They Want Something
Your attention may be number one on the list of things your dog wants, but it’s not their only objective. Sometimes they want food. Okay, a lot of the time they want food. If you’re enjoying your juicy burger with a side of fries, your dog might come up and lick your thigh to say, “Hey, you gonna eat all that?” Or maybe they need to go to the bathroom and want you to get off the couch to open the door. And in best-case scenarios, they simply want to cheer you up.

Dogs are emotionally sentient animals, and they can usually tell when you’re feeling down. Their licks may mean they want you to feel better.

Understanding the exact reasoning behind your dog’s slobbery smooches isn’t always obvious. Pay attention to their body language and your own response to get a better idea of what’s going on. But most of all, your job is to enjoy the moment. Regardless of the exact reason, doggy kisses are a sign you and your pet have a great relationship, so enjoy the moment and soak up that slobber.

A Funny Cute Dog shirt, wearing it and together go around to enjoy the weekend can make you and your dog enjoy most on National Dog Day. Let’s find more at HERE.

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