National Coffee Day: Is coffee really good for your health?

Calling fellow coffee lovers! September 29th is National Coffee Day! In that day, we can spare time to have some ideas about the advantages and the appropriate amount of coffee should be consumed every day

Ah, coffee. Whether you’re cradling a travel mug on your way to work or dashing out after spin class to refuel with a skinny latte, it’s hard to imagine a day without it. The caffeine perks you up, and there’s something incredibly soothing about sipping a steaming cup of joe. But is drinking coffee good for you?

Good news: The case for coffee is stronger than ever. Study after study indicates you could be getting more from your favorite morning beverage than you thought: Coffee is chock full of substances that may help guard against conditions more common in women, including Alzheimer’s disease and heart disease. Let’s find some advantages:

1. Coffee boosts your physical performance

Have a cup of black coffee about an hour before workout and your performance can improve by 11-12%. Caffeine increases adrenaline levels in your blood. Adrenaline is your body’s “fight or flight” hormone which helps you to prepare for physical exertion.

2. Coffee is hydrating

While many have claimed that coffee and tea are diuretics, recent studies found that participants were just as hydrated, whether their liquids had added caffeine or not. Good news: your three cups of coffee count towards hydration!

So It can reduce cirrhosis. While coffee cannot reverse liver damage or even help you sober up after a night out, one scientific study did find that coffee consumption can significantly reduce the risk of cirrhosis.

3. Decreased depression

A large study from 2011 found that depression risk decreases with increasing caffeinated consumption for women.

4. Antioxidants

Plus, coffee is full of antioxidants! Surely that makes it an officially approved health food.

5. Coffee drinkers have less risk of heart disease.

Korean researchers found that study participants who consumed 3 to 5 cups of coffee a day were less likely to show the beginning signs of heart disease. The study. Other dietary factors should also be noted as Koreans typically have a different diet than do Westerners. A more recent study conducted in Brazil found that those that consume at least three cups of coffee a day tend to develop less calcification in their coronary arteries.

6. Coffee reduces the risk of cancers.

One study has shown that coffee may decrease the risk of developing prostate cancer in men by 20 %, and endometrial cancer in women by 25 %. People in the test group drank four cups of coffee a day. Caffeine may also prevent the developing of basal cell carcinoma, the most common type of skin cancer

On the other hand, you should know some information below: 
  • Bad coffee can be toxic. Bad quality coffee can have a lot of impurities in it, which can cause sickness, headache or a general bad feeling. This can happen if your coffee is made from beans that have been over ripped or otherwise ruined. Even one ruined bean can make your cup toxic. If you invest and buy high quality, specialty coffee you don’t have to worry about this. 
  • Coffee can kill you. Yes, if you drink 80-100 cups (23 liters) in a short session. This dose is lethal and will amount in 10-13 grams of caffeine within your body. Before you reach this point, however, you'll be vomiting most of it out since 23 liters of any liquid is a lot. Even drinking 23 liters of water can kill you. 
  • Coffee can cause insomnia and restlessness. Again, it's the caffeine working here. Your recommended maximum amount of caffeine is 400 milligrams, roughly the amount that you’ll get from 4 cups of coffee. If you’re caffeine-sensitive, be careful with coffee. You are probably already aware what amount and what kind of coffee suits, or doesn't suit you. The amount of caffeine that is safe for human consumption is actually written in our DNA.

If you have high cholesterol or you are caffeine sensitive, pregnant or a child (or a parent of one), you should pay attention to coffee drinking.

For others, reasonable amounts (1-6 cups a day) coffee can be good for you. It can prevent serious diseases, boost your mind and muscles, and even help you with weight loss. Remember, as long as you drink toxin free, specialty coffee and brew it with care, you can and should be enjoying it knowing it's good for you. If you took the time to read this whole article (thank you!), please share it so your friends will get it right, too.

An inspiring coffee shirt can show your love for the special drink. It’s also a T-shirt gift for your family members to encourage them to drink the appropriate amount of coffee.

Let’s try something new like a coffee shirt and live healthily!
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